Payment Methods

Accepted Payment Methods

You can choose from any of the following payment methods to complete your order securely. We prioritize your security and ensure your details remain confidential.

Note: When you make a payment on, your credit/debit card information is not stored or collected by us. We take fraud prevention seriously, and all credit and debit card transactions are subject to verification and authorization by both Eara Hearing and the card issuer. As part of enhanced security measures, some card transactions may prompt additional 3D Secure authentication, such as entering a password, receiving a security code, or using other verification methods like fingerprint or two-factor authentication, depending on your card issuer’s requirements. For details on authentication procedures, please consult your bank.

Pay with Credit/Debit Card

We accept all major credit and debit cards on our website. If your payment is declined, please place your order again as we cannot reinstate an order after a declined payment. To help ensure a successful transaction:

  • Verify Card Details: Double-check the card information, including expiration date.
  • Confirm Security Code: Ensure you’ve entered the correct three-digit code from the back of the card.
  • Contact Your Bank: Your card issuer may decline the transaction; contacting them may resolve this issue.

If your transaction fails due to 3D Secure security requirements, please reach out to your bank for assistance. Should you encounter an error message, our Customer Support team is available at to assist you.

Pay with Paypal

PayPal is a convenient and secure way to pay. When choosing PayPal, you’ll be redirected to the PayPal login page to complete your purchase.

You can still check out without a PayPal account by selecting “Pay with Debit/Credit Card” and entering your card details on a secure page provided by PayPal.